Trucker helps rescue injured bald eagle

Anthony, the injured male bald eagle, was injured alongside Rote 17 June 9. (Photo by the New York State Police.)

A truck driver’s actions Tuesday (June 9) led to the roadside rescue of an injured American bald eagle.

The New York State Troopers say Mario Giorbano, a truck driver for New Jersey dairy distributor Balford Farms, was driving across Sullivan County on Route 17 in southern New York State Tuesday when something alongside the highway caught his attention.

Giorbano told police he saw an American bald eagle in the ditch and thought it was stuck in the mud. He stopped and could see it was injured, so called 911.

The troopers arrived with wildlife rehabilitators, who captured the bird, put it in a pet carrier and took it to be X-rayed an examined.

Police theorize the bird may have been struck by a vehicle while feeding on  dead raccoon nearby.

Before leaving the scene, Giorbano gave the injured eagle a name: Anthony, according to the troopers.

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