One of the coolest vehicles at the Great American Trucking Show (GATS) in Dallas later this month, will not have 18 wheels or require a CDL to drive.
Chenowth Fast Attack Vehicle will be on display at GATSOn display will be one of the Chenowth FAV — Fast Attack Vehicles — deployed by SEAL Team 6 in Iraq.
The vehicle belongs to the designer, Lynn Chenowth, who also owns Pulltarps Manufacturing. It will be on display at the Pulltarps booth #19105.
There will be opportunities to have your photo take with the Chenowth FAV.
GATS runs Aug. 27-29 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas. Stop by the Truckers News booth at the show #10051.
If you’re attending the show, be sure to sign up to win the Great GATS Giveaway.
Sign up before Aug. 10 and you could win:
Grand Prize
(1) 2-night accommodations at an official GATS participating hotel
(2) Custom Duck Commander seat covers
(2) VIP concert passes
(2) GATS VIP preview passes
(1) Tag along with a Pride & Polish judge
Upcoming Event

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From free concerts to highly educational sessions, GATS is where trucking gathers. August 23-25, in Dallas, Texas. Register today.
(1) $250 pre-paid credit card
(1) $50 voucher to the GATS show store
Second Prize
(1) 2-night accommodations at an official GATS participating hotel
(2) GATS VIP preview passes
(1) $150 pre-paid credit card
(1) $35 voucher to the GATS show store
Third prize
(1) 2-night accommodations at an official GATS participating hotel
(2) GATS VIP preview passes
(1) $100 pre-paid credit card
(1) $25 voucher to the GATS show store
Official Contest Rules