Truck drivers are not just cool towards the ide of allowing 18-20-year-olds drive in interstate commerce, they are downright frigid.
Fully 80% of folks responding to a Truckers News poll asking if 18-20-year-olds should be allowed to drive commercial vehicles across state lines said “No.” Just 16% said yes, and about 4% said they didn’t care.
The poll was taken in conjunction with the news last week that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will seek comments about the possibility of creating a pilot program for younger drivers. At present, drivers aged 18-20 are allowed only to drive within the boundaries of their state.
On Friday, Sept. 4, the FMCSA announced it’s proposing and seeking public comment on new pilot program to allow drivers aged 18, 19, and 20 to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce.
“This action will allow the agency to carefully examine the safety, feasibility, and possible economic benefits of allowing 18 to 20-year-old drivers to operate in interstate commerce,” said FMCSA Deputy Administrator Wiley Deck. “Safety is always FMCSA’s top priority, so we encourage drivers, motor carriers, and interested citizens to review this proposed new pilot program and share their thoughts and opinions.”
Respondents in the Truckers News poll shared their thoughts on the prospect of sharing the highways with 18-20-year-old drivers.
Cindy commented on our article last week: “They shouldn’t be allowed to go to war at 18 -20, nor drive interstate!”
Nick said: “Insurance won’t go for it. If they do then insurance rates will double or triple what they are now.”
Bobby said on our Facebook page: “FMCSA is just one great example of why we need less government. You know who is pushing for this. The same people who pushed the ELD mandate. The goal is to rid the industry of (owner/operators).
Kurt added: “After all of the 18 to 20-year-olds have been exploited then they will go for 16 and up.”
Denith suggested: “I think most people can be a good driver with proper training. Companies won’t want to hire because of insurance cost. They’ll be no worse than most of the people driving today.”
Scott said: “Correct me if I’m wrong but if this program is for 18 and 20 yrs none CDL holders it’s will be up to the companies insurance company because with the company I work for we aren’t allowed to have rider’s unless it’s approved by the companies insurance company.”
Greg said: “This is getting ridiculous with them lowering the age more! They would not have such a hard time to begin with getting drivers in this industry if they actually paid! The problem is greed and over regulations that are the issue.”
A person who goes by the name Sillymander said: “The present governmental incarnation cares neither about safety nor regulations, just corporate profits. Personally, 18 to 20-year-olds scare me less than self-driving trucks. I’d rather be behind a young (driver) trying to get through a busy traffic circle than a self-driving truck.”
Ronald said: “These idiots will live to regret this move.”
Daniel said: “They are old enough to fight and die for this country, why shouldn’t they be able to work, plus … back in the 50’s they did it all the time”
Texasjester added: “I’ve seen 18-20-year-olds with more common sense and maturity than many 30-40-year-olds. I have no problem with them driving interstate. Then there are the snowflakes with no maturity, that I wouldn’t trust with a butter knife … These shouldn’t be driving a truck, regardless (of) their age.”
Lance said: “Backwards thinkers running the industry. Raise age to 25.”
Mike said: “Not good but it doesn’t matter … it’s gonna happen … it’s all about the money … safety is a second thought at best.