It was a simple question, but one that triggered a strong response from Truckers News readers. Very strong.
We recently asked, "How do you feel about inward-facing cameras?"
The responses:
- 68% agreed with the statement, "I would never give up my privacy like that."
- 24% agreed with, "I'll tolerate them, but I don't like them."
- 5% agreed with, "It keeps me from being held liable in an accident."
- 3% agreed with, "I really don't care either way."
As more carriers face growing insurance premiums and the push to improve driver safety, some have installed driver-facing cameras in their trucks. They are also touted to be beneficial in proving a driver's innocence in case of an accident. The National Transportation Safety Board has advocated the use of inward and road-facing cameras in commercial vehicles since 2010.
However, the vast majority of folks responding to our online poll don't want a camera in their cab.
Richard Davis added a comment to our story: "It's an invasion of privacy. Simple as that. Safety has nothing to do with it, it's all about control. Yes, it may help a driver once in a while, but the company uses them for their benefit. That truck is also some driver's homes. This is yet another reason people should stay away from trucking."
One reader posting only as "boji624" added a comment to our original poll that said, "Driver-facing cameras are not only an invasion of privacy but a nuisance to the driver. Always having to be on guard for you never know who is watching you. The CEOs and dispatchers should be forced to drive with the camera watching them, see how they like their privacy violated. The person who invented them should be imprisoned for invasion of privacy with every driver who has one of these intrusive cameras filing a class action suit against his dumb ass."
"With all of the stupidity of the trucking industry and treating drivers like garbage, any wonder why there's a driver shortage?" asked the person posting as brianpankz. "I'm glad that I retired at 61. Karma is a bitch for these arrogant CEO's. Now they can drive their own idle trucks sitting idle at terminals."
American.trucker44's comment said, "Any company that requires a driver-facing camera is violating their constitutional rights to privacy. As a driver of over 59 years and an O/O I will not give up my rights, PERIOD!!!"
Boyd1218 wrote, "What is accomplished by looking at a driver through a camera lens?? Forward-facing is sensible. Driver facing is the Stupidest 💩 since the hours of service has changed into a sweatshop of stupidly long unnecessary hours to keep the millionaires richer. It’s all BS and I feel sorry for anyone thinking about truck driving as a “career”. Run for the hills!! The life you’ll save will be yours."
People also weighed in on our Facebook page.
Theodore Raymond Barker wrote, "If you're not doing anything wrong or illegal shouldn't be a problem unless they are watching you when you're on your off time."
William Perkins posted, "Just adding more problems to cause more problems and why have a trucking company if (you're) gonna fire someone every time a non-driving, camera-watching fool in the office thinks your doing something wrong. Another really really stupid idea."
And there was this from Martin Knipfer, "Proven to work for companies reducing crashes. I don't see what privacy one loses. More likely incriminating evidence!"
"Micromanaging at its finest! Just another reason why I hate trucking!," said Troy Denney.
Diana Furey added, "Put a camera in your house, and I will put one in my truck."