Joshua Gibson
Nominated by Sarah Gibson, Wife
I love my trucker because he will send me flowers randomly throughout the week .
I love my trucker because when he comes home from working his butt off, he will write little notes and leave them all over the house so that when he leaves I will find them throughout the month.
I love my trucker because he works his butt off to provide for us, being all alone in a truck for four to six weeks isn’t easy. He has been my support system and is an awesome father. Whenever my son acts up I call him and he settles him down. Whenever I see Josh holding our son the look in his eye the pure love that he has for our son makes me fall for him all over again.
Those are just a few things that I love about him, there is not enough time in the day to say all the little things i love about him. He makes all the lonely nights at home waiting for his home time worth every moment. I will love him now and forever!