A. Duie Pyle opens new service center in Maine

Updated Jul 15, 2019

A. Duie Pyle, a Pennsylvania-based carrier with locations throughout the Northeast, has opened a new service center in Saco, Maine. Located just off Interstate 95 at the Interstate 195 interchange, it will add 20 full-time jobs to the area, including drivers, dock workers, technicians, and administration staff.

The new integrated logistics center will offer both LTL and custom dedicated operations. The 33,000-square-foot facility has 40 dock doors and an 8,600-square-foot shop with truck wash. The center is located on 38 acres 15 miles south of Portland.

“We are excited with our continued growth and for the new efficiencies our customers will gain utilizing the new integrated site,” said John Luciani, COO of LTL Services at Pyle. “Providing superior quality service is the hallmark of what Pyle sets out to achieve, so placing greater tools and resources in the hands of our customers is always our real focus when opening new locations.”

Pyle is headquartered in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

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