Count calories BEFORE Christmas dinner is served

We just finished burning off the extra calories we consumed at Thanksgiving dinner, and yet another food fest awaits us: Christmas dinner.

Hardly seems fair.

But, the best way to make sure you don’t over indulge doubly, is to have an eating strategy in mind before someone passes around the first plate of cheese and crackers, or you get a whiff of chestnuts roasting on an open fire. And, it helps to know the calorie count of all those things that re about to pass before your eyes and over your lips.

The, just choose wisely, enjoy the meal and if you do have seconds of dessert, do better the next day.

Food Calorie Count
1 cup eggnog 343
1 bottle of beer 271
1/2 cup Chex mix 440
1 slice of fruitcake 324
1 piece pecan pie 480
1 slice mincemeat pie 360
3 cups salad and diet dressing 100
6 ounces of ham 300
6 ounces turkey 340
6 ounces goose 400
6 ounces prime rib 330
1/2 cup stuffing 180
1/2 cup mashed potatoes 150
1/2 cup green bean casserole 225
1 dinner roll 110
1/2 cup gravy 150