A veteran driver for YRC Freight from Lakeville, Minn. is 2015’s Minnesota Driver of the Year.
Timothy McNamee was recognized by the Minnesota Trucking Association‘s (MTA) at its annual Driver of the Year banquet.
Timothy MaNamee, Minnesota Trucking Association’s 2015 Driver of the YearMcNamee has been driving for 30 years, and has driven more than 600,000 safe miles. He finished in first place at the 2012 and 2013 Minnesota Truck Driving Championships, second place in 2010 and third place in 2015. He is an active member of YRC’s Safety Committee, a certified Smith System trainer and a new-driver trainer.
“Being a driver allows me to deliver goods and services throughout my community and I still get to be home each night with my family,” sand McNamee.
When not driving, McNamee plays golf, spends time with his family and is an active volunteer at his church.
“This award is a great way to honor the best in our industry,” said John Hausladen, MTA president. “Driving safe locally is no easy task, especially when you take into consideration his daily driving conditions like congestion, driver distractions and Minnesota winters.
“Not only is Timothy a great driver on the road, but he also exemplifies outstanding character within YRC Freight and the community. We are honored to provide him with this well-deserved award.”
Jack Hayward, safety director at YRC Freight, said, “Tim McNamee exemplifies a safe and courteous driver and he constantly displays professionalism in the work place. If every driver was of Tim’s caliber, the Minnesota roadways would be an extremely safe place.”
According to the MTA, throughout 2015, exceptional drivers were nominated by their companies and one driver was chosen each month to be the Driver of the Month. The drivers must exhibit:
- outstanding driving and work record
- contribution to industry and highway safety
- involvement in the community
In January, MTA hosts the Driver of the Year banquet and one of the 12 nominees is selected as Driver of the Year by a panel of judges including Dan Drexler, Division Administrator for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Captain Jon Olsen, Minnesota State Patrol.