Two law enforcement organizations in Illinois are helping out their colleagues in Flint, Michigan, and need the assistance of a trucker to deliver their gift.
Driver and truck are needed to deliver donated water to Flint, Mich.The Buffalo Grove (Illinois) Police Department and the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association have collected a full trailer load of donated bottled water to be delivered to the police and fire departments in Flint, Michigan. The trailer needs to be delivered Saturday, Jan. 30, and the groups are looking for a driver and tractor willing to make the trip.
Flint’s municipal water supply is unusable as it is contaminated with high levels of lead.
Any expenses will be considered tax-deductible donation through the ITEA.
Also, the ITEA will provide the driver with a gift package which includes:
(2) ITEA t-shirts
(4) ITEA 18″ warning flags
(10) ITEA bumper stickers
(5) packs of ITEA golf tees
(1) One-year membership to the ITEA
(2) Complimentary admissions to the ITEA annual conference on March 17 in Naperville, Illinois.
If you can help out, contact Jim Harris of the Buffalo Grove PD at [email protected].