Mid-West Truck & Trailer Show gets under way

Attendees browse the show floor at the Mid-West Truck and Trailer Show. (Image Courtesy of Mid-West Truck & Trailer Show)

The first major truck show of the year kicks off this week in Peoria, Illinois. The Mid-West Truck & Trailer Show runs opens in part today (Feb. 4) and runs Friday and Saturday, Feb. 5-6, in the Peoria Civic Center.

About 100 different exhibitors will have their displays at the show. Representatives from all state and federal government agencies that work with the trucking industry will be on hand.

The show includes:

  • Trucker’s Pride Truck Beauty Contest: The contest welcomes trucks of all years and will award prizes in an antique truck category and a People’s Choice Award.
  • Trucker’s Pinewood Derby: Truckers build their own racing rig and compete on a certified Pinewood Derby track, with all entry fees benefitting the Special Olympics and the Boy Scouts of America.

“It’s fun because it’s trucking company owners, it’s drivers, it’s families. There’s a lot to do,” said Don Schaefer of the Mid-West Truckers Association, which sponsors the event.

Admission is free with promotional tickets available here.

Mid-West Truck & Trailer Show Schedule

Thursday, February 4

8 a.m.: Registration Desk Open (Peoria Civic Center)

4 p.m.: Joint Advisory Board Meeting (Cotillion Room – Pere Marquette Hotel)

8 p.m.: Hospitality Suite Open (Cotillion Room – Pere Marquettte Hotel) 

Friday, February 5

7:30 a.m.: Registration Desk Open (Peoria Civic Center)

8:30 a.m.: General Session (Rooms 221-222, Peoria Civic Center – Convention Registration Required)

Welcome – Don Schaefer, MTA Executive Vice President

Randy Blakenhorn, Illinois Department of Transportation

9 a.m.: Truck Show Opens (Peoria Civic Center)

Illinois State Police Level 1 Truck Inspection Demonstrations at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m.

9:30 a.m.: Break-Out Session (Rooms 135-136, Peoria Civic Center)

“CYA 101: When Do I Contact a Lawyer – After the Accident? Work Comp Claim? Problem Employee?”

Matthew Hefflefinger, Brad Peterson, Brad Keller, Andrew Bell, Jessica Bell & Deb Stegall, Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen

10:30 a.m.: Break-Out Session (Rooms 221-222, Peoria Civic Center)

“Federal Regulation Update – Electronic Logs, Medical Exams, Sleep Apnea & More”

Dan Meyer, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

11:30 a.m.: Lunch At The Truck Show (Hospitality Area – Ticket Required)

Served continuously until 1 p.m.

1 p.m.: Break-Out Session (Room 134, Peoria Civic Center)

“Employment Law Update – U.S. Department of Labor Attack on Owner-Operators”

Attendees admire a truck at the Mid-West Truck & Tractor Show. (Image Courtesy of the Mid-West Truck & Tractor Show)

Jeffrey Risch, Smith Amundsen LLC 

1:30 p.m.: Break-Out Session (Rooms 221-222, Peoria Civic Center – Prior registration required, session ends at 4 p.m.)

“Drug & Alcohol Testing Program – Reasonable Suspicion Training”

Dr. Donna Smith, EDP, Inc

2 p.m.: Break-Out Session (Rooms 135-136, Peoria Civic Center)

“CVSA Operation Safe Driver – Develop Your Company Safety Plan”

Randy West – Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

Note: This is a 2.5 hour training session with training materials

2:30 p.m.: Snack Break (Truck Show Hospitality Area)

3:30 p.m.: Mid-West Truckers Risk Management Association – Annual Meeting (Lexus Room, Peoria Civic Center)

5 p.m.: CIT Cocktail Reception (Pere Marquette Hotel – Ticket Required)

8 p.m.: MTA Hospitality Suit Open (Pere Marquette Hotel)

Saturday, February 6

8 a.m.: Registration Desk Open (Peoria Civic Center)

8:30 a.m.: Break-Out Session (Rooms 221-222, Peoria Civic Center)

“CVSA Operation Safe Driver – Develop Your Company Safety Plan)

Randy West – Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

Note: This is a 2.5 hour training session with training materials

8:30 a.m.: Break-Out Session (Rooms 221-222, Peoria Civic Center)

“IRP, UCR, IFTA Update” 

Bill Graber, Illinois Secretary of State Commercial Vehicle Section; Trent Knoles, Illinois Department of Revenue

9 a.m.: Truck Show Opens (Peoria Civic Center)

Illinois State Police Level 1 Truck Inspection Demonstrations at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m.

9:30 a.m.: Break-Out Session (Room 134, Peoria Civic Center)

“HAZMAT Regulation Update

Tom Wise, Illinois DOT; Mark Razny, USDOT, Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

10:30 a.m.: Break-Out Session (Rooms 221-222, Peoria Civic Center)

“Rolling Stock Sales Tax Exemption Update: The Latest on Ill. Dept. of Revenue Audits”

Mike Klemens, Tax Consultant, JD Michael LLC

11:30 a.m.: Awards Luncheon (Rooms 401-404, Peoria Civic Center)

“Safe & Courteous Driver Awards”

50, 45, 40, 35, 30 & 25 Year Member Awards)

“Outstanding Members of the Year Awards”

2:30 p.m.: Trucker’s Pinewood Derby Finals

3:45 p.m.: Trucker’s Pride Beauty Contest Award Ceremony

4 p.m.: Truck Show Closes

6:30 p.m.: Grand Banquet (Ballroom, Pere Marquette Hotel)

MTRMA Return of Contribution

Entertainment – The Comedy of Jeff Allen – “Happy Wife, Happy Life!”

Grand Prize Drawing

9 p.m.: Hospitality Suite Open & Music (Pere Marquette Hotel)

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