Troopers with the Nebraska State Patrol Carrier Enforcement Division conducted surprise commercial vehicle inspections, Wednesday, May 23, in Sarpy County near Omaha. The troopers said the surprise inspections targeted commercial vehicles that might not travel outside the city or pass through weight stations as part of their regular routes.
During the special enforcement effort, the Metropolitan Aggressive and Prevention Selective (MAPS) Team:
- conducted 82 vehicle inspections
- discovered 261 violations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and state law
- took 28 vehicles out of service
A statement from the troopers said they:
- placed five drivers out of service for no CDL
- four for no driver’s license
- no log book
- three were arrested on outstanding warrants.
Troopers also issued $6,285 in citations and found a carrier that was operating on a Federal Out of Service Order and that vehicle was towed.