A Colorado trucker got home last week thanks to the generosity of some North Carolina cops after losing his truck and most of his belongings in a fire.

Ali Jassmin told the Statesville Record and Landmark that he had just left an I-77 rest area when he saw smoke coming from the front of his truck. He said he stopped, saw flames but was unable to put out the fire with his truck’s extinguisher. Jassmin escaped with just a pack of cigarettes and his cell phone; stranded in Statesville, North Carolina with no money and no identification.
That’s when five North Carolina Highway Patrol officers who had responded to the fire and their colleagues stepped in.
According to the newspaper, “They donated money, and reached out to churches and a local CVS. With the funds gathered, Jassim left North Carolina in a rental car with a phone charger, water and money for gas, food, and lodging along the way.”
“The officers helped me a lot. Everyone was so nice,” Jassim told the newspaper from his home in Denver. “Thank you to all the people who helped.”