McDonald’s hears truckers’ drive-thru complaints


One of the frustrations that surfaced last week as members of the American trucking industry continued to adjust to life on the road in the time of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak was something normally quite simple: getting something to eat.

Trucker Update LogoTruck stop dining rooms were closed and most every meal became takeout. But, sometimes even that was not as easy as it sounds. Many truckers complained they were turned away if they simply parked their trucks and tried to walk through the drive-thru. That came to the attention to several police departments that began offering to drive hungry truckers to the drive-through windows.

Then, late last week, the largest of the fast-food chains made a change just for serving truckers.

On March 23, McDonald’s announced a new process for serving drivers.

For stores that are take-out only, McDonald’s is asking truckers to use their smartphones to get their meals. McDonald’s told truckers to:

  • use their mobile order & pay app, when they arrive at the restaurant
  • select curbside service and walk to the designated trucker curbside sign on the sidewalk outside our designated door
  • complete your order by entering the appropriate trucker curbside number and we’ll bring your order to you at the designated door as soon as it’s ready

Download the app for Android at the Google Play Store.

Download the app for iOS at the Apple App Store.

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