Think your fleet’s the best? Nominate it for TCA’s recognition

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Nominations are open in the search to find the best trucking companies in North America to work for.

The Truckload Carriers Association and CarriersEdge are asking professional drivers and independent contractors to nominate their companies as Best Fleets to Drive For.

The annual contest and survey evaluates and identifies employers who provide exceptional workplace environments in the trucking industry. For the first time in its 13-year history, the nomination dates will be earlier than normal — July 6 through Sept. 6, — as TCA’s annual convention will be held in January 2021. 

By nominating a fleet, a professional truck driver is recognizing the things about the company’s culture that he/she likes, such as outstanding compensation, safety practices, benefits, equipment, training, etc. If the company accepts the nomination and agrees to participate, the survey then digs deeper into its policies and practices, bringing to light the things it does that are innovative and/or successful.

To be eligible, a fleet must operate 10 or more tractor-trailers in the U.S. or Canada. TCA membership is not required. Participants will answer questions about their current human resources practices, both electronically and through phone interviews with senior management and a random sampling of their drivers. 

The top 20 finishers will be identified as Best Fleets to Drive For and will be announced in January 2020. From this pool, companies will then be divided into “small” and “large” categories, and two overall winners will be selected.

“The Best Fleets to Drive For program is one with which each and every carrier wishes to align themselves,” said TCA President John Lyboldt. “Year after year, we’re honored to showcase these very deserving fleets. Especially this year, we want to recognize those that have provided an excellent workplace for those drivers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The Top 20 winners, and two overall winners, from each respective category, will be recognized Jan. 23-26, 2021 during Truckload 2021 in Nashville, Tennessee.

To view the program’s Facebook page, visit