Here's what it's like to be a vehicle transporter for Carvana

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Updated Oct 27, 2021
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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the used car market has been hot, and few places have sizzled like a large online marketplace called Carvana.

Screen Shot 2021 05 25 At 4 06 33 PmJust nine years old, this company allows shoppers to view thousands of cars across the country, and if they find one they want, Carvana's vehicle transporters -- aka truck drivers -- will get it properly delivered to the purchaser.

As the head of logistics for Carvana, Ben Morens oversees that process and the company's driving corps. In this episode of the Truckers News Podcast, Morens talks about opportunities for drivers, and their compensation. And, like Carvana's approach to used car sales -- the company actually uses vending machines to distribute vehicles -- the way the company recruits, trains, and compensates its drivers is unique.

During the podcast, Morens explains how Carvana drivers are paid a salary, are home every day (or night depending on their assignment), and actually have career opportunities outside the cabs of their trucks.

"We focus on the driver," said Morens. The company also holds a special spot for and actively recruits military veterans. Morens, himself a veteran, explains why.