One has to be of a certain age to wear knee socks (knee high nylons do not count), and that age is 12 or under, unless of course you play a sport and they’re part of your uniform then there is no upper limit.
And, unless you have had medical treatments that keep you bed-bound, or are someone’s matronly aunt, then you’re probably not a candidate for surgical stockings.
But, a small apparel company called Vim & Vigr offers a large line of fashionable compression stockings that are as good looking as they are good for you.
What are compression stockings you may ask?
Generally speaking, they are over-the-calf, snug-fitting socks. Many people wear them to combat the leg pain and swelling that can occur during air ravel or from being on your feet for extended periods of time. Or from being seated for many hours, say, like a truck driver is every day. They are often prescribed to prevent deep vein thrombosis.
More often than not, compression stockings come in white or black — period! — and are best hidden from view when worn.
Based in Montana, Vim & Vigr produces a line of stylish compression socks and tights for women (and socks for men) that you’ll want people to see. They come in a variety of colors, patterns and fabrics: Cotton, wool and nylon. Women’s socks cost between $30 and $45 and tights are $49.