Everyone wants to save money, and that’s exactly what coupons do. Your local newspaper isn’t the only place to find great coupons. There are many websites dedicated to coupons and discounted items, including coupons offered directly by major retailers.
1. Grocery Store Coupons
Walmart, Target, Publix and Winn-Dixie all offer their own coupons online. These coupons can be printed and used in their stores. Some grocery stores also offer digital coupons. Check in with your favorite grocery store to see what coupon system they may offer.
2. Coupons
Coupons is just what it’s name implies, a site dedicated entirely to collecting free printable coupons in one place. It offers hundreds of coupons which can be used at your favorite retailers.
3. Amazon’s Gold Box/Daily Deals
These aren’t coupons in the traditional sense, but each day Amazon offers significant markdowns on hundreds of items. These sales aren’t limited to groceries. Personal care products, home essentials, and more are also offered. Amazon offers Deals of the Day, Lightning Deals, and actual coupons which can be applied at your Amazon checkout.