Book offers some simple suggestions for your sore back


Few things are as painful, distracting, annoying and debilitating as a sore back.

And, few occupations are as likely to give back pain like trucking can.

There are almost as many ways to deal with back pain as there are painful backs. Treatments range from a good old fashioned ice pack to some serious surgery. For serious and persistent pain, talk to your health care provider. For nagging, day-in-day-out low level discomfort from too many hours behind the wheel, there are a number of things you can do.

Practical solutions for Back Pain Relief: 40 Body and Mind Exercises to Move Better, Feel Better and Relieve Pain Permanently offers some things you can do on your own to make that bad back good again. Mostly, it includes stretches and yoga poses coupled with some breathing techniques to loosen and strengthen your back.

Don’t worry, most of the yoga poses are not the weird ones that make you twist yourself into the shape of a pretzel. For the most part, they require some stretching, being mindful of how you breathe during the movements and it also offers simple tips on walking and posture.

One of the benefits of this approach is that many of the stretches and movements can be done in your truck.

Practical solutions for Back Pain Relief: 40 Body and Mind Exercises to Move Better, Feel Better and Relieve Pain Permanently is available online from Amazon for $12.72 and just $1.99 if you have a Kindle reader or use the Kindle app on your tablet.

Like anything else, consult your health care provider before trying these stretches.

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