Facebook can be a good way to keep in touch with friends and family and share information from the road. It can, at times, also be a strange and unsettling place loaded with snarky and sometimes nasty comments.
Then there are times it can surprise and delight. But, not with a trendy meme, a viral cat video or even a cute corgi.
Such is the case of a cop’s tribute to one particular truck driver over the weekend. An unnamed trooper on the Facebook page of the Illinois State Police District 10 in Pesotum wrote a lengthy post that started:
Dear Truck Driver,
I saw you yesterday on I-57 in the right lane, headed southbound between Olympian Drive and I-74. I saw you slow down as you saw traffic on the I-74 interchange ramp approaching our location. I saw you turn your turn signal on to move to the left lane. You were clearly moving over to give the entering traffic room to merge. I saw every bit of it.
The post then details the truck driver’s movements and how impressed the trooper was, and adds, “I was happy to share the road with you. I know there are so many over the road truck drivers that have millions of safe driving miles under their belt and it makes me happy knowing you were probably one of them.”
It seems as though the post touched a nerve. It attracted 277 comments, 1,911 shares, and almost 6,000 responses.
A response from trucker Bruce Wilson said:
Bruce Wilson You are entirely welcome. I have 2 and half million accident-free miles. Yes, I have bit my tongue a lot. But life is to(o) precious to take out in the blink of an eye. Yes, I truly remember you. Keep it up, girl. And Thanks.