Wake up to a healthy, slow-cooked breakfast


Think how nice it would be to wake up to a hot, healthy breakfast that would see you through your entire driving day.

This Food Network recipe for slow cooker steel cut oats will do that, and taste great in the process. All it takes are some inexpensive, basic ingredients and a good rest.

Just combine the ingredients in your slow cooker, set it to cook eight hours and go to bed after your driving shift is done. Now here’s the easy part, wake up and enjoy a bowl of the best-tasting oatmeal you have had in a while. Top with milk or half-and-half and whatever else you enjoy.

And, this oatmeal is good for you. Steel cut oats, a.k.a Scottish or Irish oats are the least processed form of oats. When processed, the full oat is sliced into pieces with steel, leaving much of the healthy bran intact.

Get the recipe and cooking details here.