Women among those honored by NASTC

NASTC holds its conference in NashvilleNASTC holds its conference in Nashville

Seventeen drivers have been recognized by the National Association of Small Trucking Companies. Combined, they have logged more than 45 million accident-free miles and have 404 years of experience.

Among those named to the NASTC’s Driver of the Year Team for 2019/2020 are:

  • Art Riley, ABR3 Enterprises
  • Henry Kuperus, Brenny Specialized
  • Mark Subak, Chicago Xpress
  • Daniel Mavis, DL Mavis Trucking
  • Logan Wilson, Emmett Wilson Trucking Co.
  • Kevin Johnson, Gold Standard Transportation
  • Brenda Law, Grammer Industries
  • James Parker, G.R.T. Trucking
  • Roger Barlow, Hodges Trucking Company
  • Tony Natekin, Infinity Carriers
  • Michael Peterson, Long Haul Trucking
  • Luis Gaona, P & B Dedicated Services
  • James Chabitch, PTI Dedicated Services
  • Tim Draper, Smothers Trucking
  • Jeremy Hanicq, Store & Haul Company
  • Mike Robinson, Two Bros & Jack Company
  • Debbie Desiderato, Walkabout Transport

The drivers will be recognized at the NASTC’s 29th annual conference Oct. 31 through Nov. 2 at the Downton Sheraton in Nashville.