When the results of the latest survey of trucking industry issues were released, drivers and their employers had a difference of opinion when it came to their number one concern.
Carriers said the most pressing issue, as it was the previous two years, remains the chronic shortage of drivers.
Not surprisingly, drivers had a different opinion. They said the leading issue in their part of the American trucking world was what they get paid. Even after driver pay escalated during a robust 2018, drivers remain concerned.
Here are the details:
Fully 66% of those who responded earn more than $50,000 a year. The national average annual pay for women is $41,288 and for men it’s $51,636. But, at the same time, almost 20% of women drivers earn less than $35,000.
The breakdown shows:
- 9% earn over $100,000 a year
- 25% earn from $75,000 to $100,000
- 32% earn from $50,000 to $75,000
- 15% earn $35,000 to $50,000
- 19% earn $35,000 or less
(Keep in mind that the survey also found that many of the women who responded have been in the industry many years, and have had time to move up the pay ladder. Some 33% have driven professionally for more than 20 years.)
We also asked several other financial questions.
Do you feel your job as a truck driver provides you and your family with the level of financial security you need?
74% yes
26% no
Do you feel you live paycheck to paycheck?
51% No
49% Yes
55% Yes
45% No
Do you have a retirement account through your job or one you have created on your own?
52% No
48% Yes
Do you consider yourself to be part of the “middle class”?
80% Yes
20% No
Which best describes your opinion on how you are paid in respect to male drivers with backgrounds, skills, experience and responsibilities as yours?
81 % We are paid the same
11% He is paid more simply because he is a man
9% I am paid less simply because I am a woman
Have you ever had to borrow money while on the road?
24% From family
11% From friends
4% From another driver
72% I have not