This is how the story on Truckers News started earlier this month:
“With Christmas just days away, Akron, Ohio-based carrier G.D.S. Express closed abruptly Tuesday, Dec. 17. The fleet shut off fuel cards for drivers still on the road Wednesday, Dec. 18, and office staff and drivers were reportedly not paid this week, according to truckers and others familiar with the company’s closure.
“While the sudden bankruptcy of mega-carrier Celadon was news heard ‘round the industry last week, smaller fleets can – and regularly do – close their doors without warning, sometimes leaving drivers stranded in the process.”
Trucker response to this closing was swift and, for the most part, harsh. Here’s a selection of some comments from the comments section of Truckers News and from our Facebook page.
Rhamen: “I do not feel sorry for any company drivers losing their jobs, only O/O. If a company driver knew their worth, they would understand the leverage they have in a trillion-dollar industry; unfortunately, they do not.”
Tom Puckett: “2020 will see trucking companies drop like flies.”
Nadia: “Covering these individuals and their families in prayer. I’m a daughter of a trucker, He’s (my Father’s) retired now, and reading things like this breaks my heart. And for the gentleman(men) who are staying getting these truckers home, I commend him (them) .”
Gurdip Singh: “Try ELD and greedy brokers and undercutters for clues.”
Jamie Craig: “Self-inflicted war on China, trade war, no loads, no business. MAGA hurting the farmers, the truckers too, the difference is the farmers are getting checks from government welfare. MAGA!”
William Perkins: “The cost of trucking is through the roof it’s the brokers taking all the money appointment times always getting messed up so they charge fines and FMCSA regulations is slowly but surely killing the trucking industry 75 percent of companies are hanging on by a thread it’s fixing to get real bad.”
Ken Nilsen: “I am not surprised at the closing and looking at their safety record, which is public, they have had 45 unsafe driving violations in the last 24 months. Doesn’t sound like a very good record with only 75 trucks. Sounds like DOT may have been coming and they closed the doors before any investigation. One of these days truckers will learn to investigate who they plan on working for. Just like Celadon, their issues dated back to April 2017 but truckers don’t care. Most just bounce job to job for that extra penny or prettier truck.”
Philip Grant Duke: “It is getting pretty tough out there, a few years of good times, companies bought lots of new equipment and paid more for drivers than ever. Problem is, there are now way too many trucks for the amount of freight available and rates are in a free fall.”
Kathy Hanna: “We are a small trucking company and we have worked hard!! I have American drivers and I have foreign drivers and I have come across racial profiling and this needs to be put to a stop! I am sick and tired of all these people profiling my drivers! Pulling them in and giving them tickets for a really ridiculous reason when they are following the laws and regulations. And trying to go through dataQ that’s a complete joke! Their point system that’s another joke! supper ridiculous I would say most people don’t even understand it this is the most absurd way to judge a company in fact it’s setting up a company to fail!!” I would not be surprised the reason why this company is closing is because of this whole new system that was implemented in 2019! It’s just a way to close small companies! All of us want to make a living and all of us want to make a life!
Jarecki Wojcik: “Everything happens right know is just because politicians get involved in our jobs that they don’t know nothing about,all they do is sitting in the office and making laws and regulations for truckers who spent their lives on the road.
David Roberts: “I think Mr. Keaton and other management that have stayed without pay to do their best in getting drivers how should be commended! Y’all are true caring people! Call Wiley Sanders we need good drivers and people! I wish y’all and those drivers the best during this hard time!”
Arnie Hotrod Modtland: “I think we as drivers should shut it down. … couple weeks of no deliveries. … they’ll see our points about rules (and) freight.”
Armando Alvarez: “I (have) been in this business for over 45 years (I’m 74) still driving, never seen soooo much BS like I’m seeing now! You can’t even move to a better parking spot at a truck stop without getting yourself on-duty driving! (5mph rule) regulation after regulations; and they wonder why we have the largest turnover of any industry in the USA!”
Ernie and Chree Shunn: “Wow, ‘I’m glad our President is really helping out the trucking industry like he is farmers.”
David Hollis editor of Truckers News and She Drives and can be reached at [email protected]