Are manual transmissions’ days numbered?

Three stick shifting

Are manual transmissions about to become the latest bits of trucks’ mechanical structures to be innovated out of existence?

Jack Roberts, who writes on equipment topics for “Overdrive,” “Commercial Carrier Journal” and “Hard Working Trucks” takes up the topic. He writes:

“Mastering an unsynchronized heavy-duty manual transmission is as much an art as a science. Old-school drivers say they simply don’t feel in complete control of a truck unless it has a manual gearbox.

“Even the most ardent automated manual transmission experts admit that on a good day, a highly skilled driver with a manual transmission is equal to the best computer-controlled transmissions in the world in terms of shifting efficiency and fuel economy.

“Yet, time appears to be catching up to the manual transmission. Spurred by the pressure to maximize fuel economy and safety and to integrate new drivers into fleet operations quickly and seamlessly, more carriers are spec’ing new truck purchases with automated-manual gearboxes.”

[gtbutton link=”″]See Part I of Jack Roberts’ Story[/gtbutton]

[gtbutton link=””]Part II[/gtbutton]

Some tips on shifting: