Zac Efron (left) meets Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne in “Neighbors”
Neighbors | Rated R
What happens when an updated Animal House-like fraternity moves into a nice, normal suburban neighborhood? What doesn’t? Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) Radner have a new baby and then get new neighbors when the Delta Psi fraternity moves in nearby. Hoping to appear hip, Mac and Kelly try to befriend their new neighbors, who seem understanding. Of course, parties get held. Police get called. The brothers of Delta Psi retaliate. Hostilities escalate. And, … well, you get the picture, one that is filled with booze, sex and even fireworks. Zac Efron stars as the leader of the frat, Teddy Sanders. $19.99 and available at Redbox.