Op/Ed piece in LA Times suggests pay by the mile is unsafe, unfair

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Should pay by the mile ride off into the sunset?

In an article in The Los Angeles Times Monday (June 15) Larry Kahaner writes:

“Paying by the mile is both unsafe and unfair. It encourages truckers to speed in order to make money. Getting paid by the mile, moreover, means truckers never know how much they will make for any given week (they can’t predict breakdowns, traffic, weather or man-made delays at warehouses). Drivers report that inconsistent pay is even more of a drawback than low pay.”

Is that how you feel?

Much is being written and groused about on social media about how much truck drivers are paid, and how the driver shortage would be solved by paying them more. A magic number of $65,000 a year was even suggested.

What do you think? Is it time to consider paying drivers by the hour and not by the mile? Is safety sacrificed for the sake of by the mile pay?

Take our p[oll and have your say ion the comments below.

[gtbutton link=”http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0615-kahaner-trucking-shortage-20150615-story.html”]Read the Entire Op/Ed[/gtbutton]

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