Video aims at explaining truck parking problem

A dramatic new video created by a truckers advocacy group focuses on the growing problem of insufficient truck parking.

‘Truckers Had Enough’ video about parking problems

Produced by Texomatic Pictures for Truckers Had Enough, the two-minute and 30-second video makes the case that truck parking is scarce and getting more scarce.

Mike “Gunney” Faram, the truck driver behind “Truckers Had Enough”, said the video was created to raise awareness of the parking problem within the public and with elected officials.

The video opens with a truck pulling into “City Industrial Park, Anytown, U.S.A.” and says the driver is 593 miles from home. Inside, the driver crawls into his sleeper bunk.

Then comes a pounding on his truck’s door and the man outside says he is from the “state DOT” and needs to see the driver’s log book, to which the driver replies he’s on his 10-hour break and can’t move the truck.

The State DOT officer insists and reminds the driver his truck is parked in a two-hour parking zone and he can have it towed.

The driver reminds the DOT man that he’s on his 10-hour break, that he cannot move the truck and suggests the official leave a citation on the window and he’ll take it up with his safety department when he gets home.

The narrator expands on the problem:

  • Truck stops are full
  • Big box retailers don’t want trucks in their parking lots
  • Some states are closing down rest areas
  • Other rest areas have two- to three-hour parking limits

The video ends with a simple, if obvious statement: “We need a solution.”

““All (elected officials and the public) see is the dispersed funds from the federal government for additional truck parking,” said Faram. “When in reality states like Arizona North Dakota are closing rest areas. States like Tennessee, New York and Ohio are putting signs up stating two-hour maximum to park.”

Faram said such limits are at odds with federal hours-of-service regulations.

“So they have resorted to banging on drivers’ doors and putting them into direct violation of FMCSR 395 which they are supposed to enforce, not break,” said Faram.

He said the video is the Infomercial is being shown on “multiple news channels around the country. We are looking for the law enforcement community in the states listed above to leave our commercial drivers alone.”

He said he expects more videos to follow.

Truckers Had Enough | Truck Parking PSA from Texomatic Pictures, LLC on

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