Editor’s Note: Truckers News will be publishing stories about truck drivers whose friends, families and others have nominated them in Truckers News’ iLuvMyTrucker recognition program, which culminates during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week Sept. 13-19. Do you <3 a truck driver? Tell us about her or him.
James Mull Sr
Nominated by Betsy Giza, son
All I have ever known is my dad driving a truck. I am proud to say I was raised on a trucker salary.
There is not enough space to say why I love my dad here but he has always given of himself, and never for one moment looked back or regretted it. We may not have had all we wanted but never wanted for anything.
His grandkids think the sun rises and sets in him and he loves them just as much.
My dad is 77 and still drives and can run circles around most drivers. About six years ago he had a major health scare several surgeries and almost losing him. His doctor said, “Someone isn’t finished with you because you should not have made it through what you have.”
Where is my dad? In a truck, I know at some point he will be stepping out of that truck for the last time but before he does I would like to give back to him for all he has done and give him the recognition he deserves. So please help us give back to a man that has given so much to others!