Flu season approaches: 3 tips for avoiding getting sick


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Flu activity increased slightly last week but otherwise remains low, according to the Centers for Disease Control, which fits with what has been observed around this time during previous seasons. But flu season is just kicking off and while it’s too early to make predictions on how much flu activity may be ahead, Louisiana is already reporting high instances of flu-like illness.

Getting a flu shot is the most commonly recommended method for safeguarding against flu illness, and there are other things you can also do to stay healthy this flu season:

1. Keep Hand Sanitizer Handy: Truck drivers touch a lot of surfaces in high traffic places, such as door handles at truck stops and fuel pumps. It’s not practical that you’ll be able to wash your hands every time you touch a potentially germ-covered surface. Have hand sanitizer or alcohol-based wipes on hand while you’re over the road as a backup plan.

2. Don’t Touch Your Eyes, Nose, and Mouth: Further prevent germs from spreading by avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Touching your face can transfer bacteria and viruses from your hands, letting it into the body.

3. Get Your Body In Flu-Fighting Shape: Eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting good sleep help keep your body and your immune system in good condition for fighting off illness. Try to maintain a well-balanced diet and get 7-9 hours of rest.