House approves 33rd short-term fix to highway fund

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Highway funding gets two-month patch

The U.S. House of Representatives passed Tuesday (May 19) a 60-day extension of the Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014, ensuring a flow of money to the federal Highway Trust Fund through the end of July.

With an expiration date of May 31 quickly approaching, the patch was needed until a long-term solution can be submitted.

The House voted 387-35 Tuesday to pass the extension. With its passage in the House, the bill must still be cleared by the Senate and signed by the president to become law.

Last summer, Congress extended funding of the Highway Trust Fund from Oct. 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015.

This will be the 33rd short-term patch in the last six years, despite pressure from many lobbying and advocacy groups to pass a bill that addresses the country’s surface transportation needs.

Last week, the American Trucking Associations asked Congress for a short-term patch when it became evident a long-term solution wasn’t coming by May 31.

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