If you happen to be driving through New York State in the next several days, be aware that State Police are being extra vigilant about enforcing traffic laws.
Now through Tuesday, Aug. 11 it’s Speed Week in the state, and Troopers will conduct a week-long crack down on speeding and aggressive drivers across the state.
NYS Troopers cracking down on speeders during annual “Speed Week”During the August 2014 Speed Week campaign, State Police issued more than 22,000 traffic tickets. More than 10,000 of the tickets were for speeding, and more than 600 were for violations of the Move Over law.
“Speeding and reckless driving is unsafe and the cause of far too many avoidable tragedies,” said Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “I urge all New Yorkers to drive responsibly, stay within the speed limit and join us in helping to keep our roads safe for motorists, passengers and pedestrians alike.”
According to a statement from the Troopers, speeding is listed as a contributing factor in nearly one third of all fatal crashes in New York State. In 2013, 352 people were killed and nearly 19,000 injured in speed related crashes statewide.
During this summer’s Speed Week, Troopers will be using both marked State Police vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) unmarked vehicles as part of their crackdown.
Troopers will also be watching for other traffic violations, including distracted or impaired drivers, vehicle occupants who are not properly buckled up, and drivers that are violating New York’s Move Over law.