The Virginia General Assembly has proposed two amendments to state law that would prohibit trucks from driving in the left-most lane in certain areas.
Virginia may welcome you, but if you’re a truck, stay out of the left lane.The first such amendment, HB178, was proposed by Delegate Richard P. Bell (R-Staunton) and would ban trucks from the left lane on Interstate 64 in the Afton Mountain area. The bill also includes a minimum fine of $500 for doing so and would classify violations as a misdemeanor of reckless endangerment.
Another amendment, HB201, was introduced by Delegate Daniel W. Marshall III (R-Danville) and would give local governments statewide the authority to prohibit trucks from the left lane “of any limited access highway with divided roadways, nonlimited access highways having four or more lanes, and all primary highways.”
The Virginia General Assembly’s regular session began Wednesday, Jan. 13, at which time the bills were to be considered by the state’s Committee on Transportation.