Trucking research group sets 2018 priorities


The American Transportation Research Institute‘s Board of Directors recently approved the organizations priorities for 2018. 

 The research topics include:

  • Inconsistencies in CDL Testing — will review the range of requirements for CDL testing across states and identify best practices to develop an effective set of testing requirements.
  • Autonomous Impacts on the Truck Driver — a detailed analysis of how autonomous truck technologies will change the operational environment and driving requirements for commercial drivers.
  • Assessing the Consistency and Accuracy of CMV Crash Data — will identify ways to improve commercial motor vehicle crash data collection, quality review, data management and data submission at the local and state levels. 
  • Best Practices for Cannabis Intoxication Testing — exploring best practices in the U.S. and abroad, the research will benchmark recommended maximum intoxication levels and identify recommendations for driver sobriety testing.
  • Role and Impact of Government Regulations on Autonomous Vehicles — research will assess the positive and negative impact of regulations being promulgated at the state-level for identification of model legislation on how autonomous technologies and vehicles should be deployed.
  • Urban Planning and Smart City Design for Trucks — examining how and where truck freight delivery can be effectively incorporated into urban planning and smart city design approaches.