A Missouri truck driver who was severely beaten at a truck stop in Idaho fears the attack may have ended his career on the road. He also questions whether police are doing enough to find the man he said broke into his truck last month, demanded money and beat him with rocks after he said he had none.
Amos Phillips, of Camdenton, Missouri, told the Idaho State Journal that he is recovering from his injuries but has a blood clot in his brain. Phillips said he may be on medication the rest of his life because of this; medication that may preclude him from driving again.
Phillips was asleep in his truck at the TP Truck Stop near Interstate 15 in Fort Hall, Idaho Sept. 3 when a man broke into his truck and beat him. In addition to the blood clot, Phillips suffered a broken nose and broken cheekbones.
During his phone interview with the Idaho newspaper, Phillips said of the Fort Hall Police, “I really don’t think they are doing their jobs,”
He also said the man who attacked him will have to answer to God.
The investigation continues.