The Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper injured in a dramatic crash on U.S. 84 near Slaton, Texas involving a tractor-trailer last week suffered a sprained ankle, bruised ribs and back, and a cut on his head. He was released from the hospital Friday night, Dec. 27, the day of the accident.
However, the driver of the pickup struck by the tractor-trailer as it jackknifed, rolled over and landed on a police car, remains hospitalized to be monitored for possible internal injuries.
Video of the accident shows first responders at the scene of an earlier accident, which occurred in dense fog on the highway. An SUV towing a travel trailer is shown slowly changing lanes. A pickup truck is stopped in the right lane behind it and a police car is parked off the side of the highway.
A tractor-trailer emerges from the fog, strikes the pickup, overturns and lands on the police car. A trooper is shown running from the trailer as it slides off the highway.
Investigation of the accident continues. None of those involved was identified, and there are no reports if any citations were issued.
A film crew from KCBD-TV captured the crash as it happened.