Woman to woman: Advice for those who drive or want to

We recently performed a survey of women who are truck drivers. As part of it, we asked them: â€śDo you have any general comments about being a female driver that you would like to share with us?”

We cruised through the hundreds of comments you made, and have pulled out ones that offer insight into the industry and the job, and provide advice to women who are driving and those who are thinking about it.

Here’s what She Drives Trucks readers had to say:

Just do your job as best as you can and enjoy yourself while doing a great job. Just do your job and don’t listen to the negative remarks! You want it — do it and always, always watch your back.

True enough, trucking is considered a man’s job but if you focus, take your time, put safety first and carry yourself like a respectable person, handle your business, go back to your truck and it will be alright. Even though you still have to be careful.

It’s a great career for a woman (who) is mentally strong and has an independent nature. It’s not the place for someone who is easily offended or who (is) always wanting to be “rescued” from doing the physically demanding parts of the job.

All I can say is a truck driver is like any other job. If you like it and you put (in) all your efforts, it can be a good hobby and good work.

You have to be visible and watch how you carry yourself. Watch your actions and always be a lady.

A career is what you make it. Do your best; learn all you can and keep learning every day. It is a tough job (and) sometimes lonely, but always be the professional that you are.

I love being a driver. I decided a long time ago to do my job (and) not expect special treatment. I have always kept my feminine side. I don’t have to talk or act like a male driver.

Don’t take every little comment to heart, it only causes you undue stress.

Truck driving has been an awesome career. With the right company and a desire for challenging work, there is no reason for a female not to do this job.

Make sure you understand what it’s really like out here and do your research on the companies you’re considering hiring on with. Also, if possible, be a cash student. That way you can go where you want without a school bill/contract around your neck.

Keep your eyes open and your mouth closed.

Strong women are able to do trucking or any job.

There is good and bad in every job. Driving is what you make of it. I have had more good than bad out here on the road. There are some really great people out here. And of course there are some jerks, and not all are men.

Just do your best ask for help when you need it don’t be afraid to. Stand up for yourself. Help others.

It’s a job (in which) you have to manage your life and family, and your health. Have not let that windshield play games with your mind. Be headstrong and (have) confidence in yourself.

Don’t get stuck on being a woman in a man’s world. It’s about you doing your job and going home. For the most part, a woman can do anything a man can do as far as trucking goes. It’s still a bit of a brotherhood out here. You can usually find help when you need it.

It’s a lifestyle not a job. We have to deal with a lot but it’s all worth it

Yes it’s not an easy job but it’s worth it.

If it’s in your goal, try your best and don’t let anyone intimidate you.

Don’t let anyone intimidate you for any reason. Prove to yourself that you are good, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Don’t take any crap from other drivers. Do your job. Be clean, take care of personal needs. Don’t get sloppy with driving, language or appearance.

I have been out here for quite a few years. I love being a truck driver. I truly feel like a paid tourist … My favorite part of the year is winter and fall … This is a great opportunity for someone that enjoys driving (and) seeing our amazing country … For women it really is using your head and not putting yourself in a situation you don’t want to be in … Dress classy not trashy and the respect to me is better … Be safe out there and enjoy the amazing and awesome Big Road.

Life on the road is 90 percent what you make it. If you make it to be hard and difficult it will be. Yeah there are some major ass****s out there, but for the most part they are reacting to your attitude or demeanor

It’s challenging for a woman to be a truck driver. We have to constantly stroke the sensitive and weak male ego as (in) most male dominated professions. I love driving a truck and it’s a great living. I would encourage any woman to do it. I would also let her know it’s a lifestyle not just a career and we women have got to have each other’s back out here on the road. Also research the company you work for, some of these trucking companies are worse than being constipated.

Safety at all times! And you will be watched. You will be more sensitive to this. Male driver hooks up trailer and leaves. You were watching and see male driver/co-worker not walk around rig to see that doors are shut, trailer is empty or loaded and maybe sealed. Tires not checked. You do as trained — walk around, see doors are shut and etc. Then (your) employer wants to know why YOU are the SLOW one out of (the) lot.

I have never had any problems out on the road that come from being a female driver. I think a lot of that comes from my attitude. I don’t act like I am any different from any other driver. I am just doing my job, not trying to prove anything to myself or anyone else.

We, as females, need to realize we are a minority in this field. We need to respect the truck, trucking life and act professionally. We need to realize men are going to resent women, us, entering their lifestyle and field of work. We need to accept, adapt, and persevere and conquer whatever we face, are challenged with. I know there is nothing in this world that I fear more than a cocky female behind the wheel of an 80,000-pound tractor trailer full of merchandise because we women tend to get overly comfortable with something we have mastered which turns into cockiness which evolves into carelessness.

I encourage all women that have a desire to go into the trucking career, don’t hesitate to do it.

I always get told that I don’t look like a typical truck driver. So I thank them figuring it’s a compliment. I never refuse help from any male drivers or dock workers, even though I can do it myself, but it is respect and kindness I do not shrug off. To simply put it, many men have respect for female drivers because they know it isn’t easy for us out here and to still maintain a positive and friendly attitude to everyone.

Letting women know that you don’t have to be “big and strong” to be a truck driver. It only takes common sense and a spirit of adventure. Also, if you have kids under the age of 18, it would be better for all if you work local and are home daily.

Take the time and learn it the right way!

Always watch your surroundings.

I hate to hear the new, young people that believe they are going to enjoy traveling and seeing the world. WRONG! It’s a lie. You will only see white lines and truck stops. Rotten food and exhaustion. More truth when advertising trucking might lead to less turnover!

It is not for all women. You need to be able to leave family and friends for extended periods. You need to know how to adapt to living on the road. It does pay well. You do get to see a lot of country traveling 48 states. I would not be out here solo. I have always teamed which is very challenging in itself.

Don’t trust anyone. Don’t let other drivers know where you’re going or coming. Don’t let anyone know what you’re hauling and most of all, always do the right thing.

Being a driver opened up so many opportunities for me. I was able to get out of a bad marriage, pay off my land, pay my bills and take care of many people that were friends and family. I am now disabled because of a heart attack in 2013 but trucking will always have a place in my heart.

Dare to do what people tell you that you can’t. Be yourself and don’t let the negative things get to you. Take your time and breathe. Follow your heart and be passionate about what you choose to do. Live it, love it or leave it.

This is not a profession that anybody can do, you must be able to be alone and happy in your own skin. I have done absentee deliveries and self-loading that in a week’s time the only person I see is the office manager to pick up my check at the end of the week.

I feel being a woman truck driver is a great job. You get to travel and see the country while making a good living for yourself.