Fiscal fitness: Work out the cost of a workout you can afford

It’s hard to put a price on one’s good health.

However, it’s relatively easy to figure what your wellness/fitness program is costing you, and if need be how to get the same workout bang for fewer bucks.

Woman lifting weightsThe average gym membership, according to the folks at, costs $58 per month. However, they are quick to add that about 67 percent of that amount is wasted by many folks who are not going to the gym despite paying for the privilege.

And, as a truck driver you may be on the road and away from your local gym or have a schedule that is not conducive to regular attendance.

Luckily, there are alternatives. In fact, it’s not hard to figure out a way to get a good workout without having to perform that stretch where you reach behind your back and grab your wallet too often.

The internet is quite possibly the best fitness studio available. It’s filled with free workout videos, communities that provide online support and encouragement and access to experts to help you meet your specific fitness goals. eBay can even be a source of good, used, low-cost equipment if you are strapped for cash but still want to get in better shape.

Here are some links to get you started on a less expensive road to fitness:

Budgeting for workouts infographic
Source: Blog

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