Even your favorite playlist of tunes for the road can get old after a while, and listening to CB chatter can sometimes be a bit depressing.
That’s why it makes sense to tune in to some of the many podcasts — audio content created to be streamed when you want it — that are being produced. It seems there is a podcast, or maybe several, for every interest no matter how narrowly defined.
Fortunately, there are many entertaining podcasts being produced by and for women. Give a listen to:
Death, Sex & Money: Hosted by Anna Sale, this podcast tackles big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation, including, yes, sex,death and money. Recent episodes include information about student loads, an interview with country star Jason Isbell and his wife and fellow musician Amanda Shires, and a discussion about the death of a child.
Stuff Mom Never Told You: School dress codes. Lisa Simpson as feminist icon. The pros and cons of being a vegan. Co-hosts Emilie Aries and Bridget Todd discuss the challenges facing women today and throughout history. They also offer solutions to further women’s lives.
Dear Sugars: Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond offer what the producers call “radical empathy” when they answer questions from listeners. What sorts of things do the Sugars take on? The joys and problems of pet ownership. Body image and romance. Whether to step in when a loved one seems headed for trouble.
Call Your Girlfriend: This podcast lets listeners eavesdrop on best friends Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman as they share a long-distance phone call. The two talk about just about anything two best friends share. What do you and your bestie discuss when you talk on the phone?
The Big Leap Show: Kathlyn Hart helps you get serious about your work life. In this podcast Hart talks with successful women who, like the show’s name says, took a big leap to change careers, start a business or do anything that required facing a risk.
Organize 365: The name of this podcast by Lisa Woodruff says it all. This organization guru offer tips on how to get and stay organized, defeat clutter and help others in your life — including kids — do the same. Much of what Woodruff talks about can be modified when it comes to your life on the road, where organization is a must.
Women Seeking Wellness: In this podcast, Dr. Stephanie Maj asks, “Are you a woman who feels not really old, yet not really young — not really sick yet not really well?” And, then she gives answers — many that are a bit unconventional — on a variety of topics, all aimed at making you feel better.