Online calculator can help determine salary

Updated Dec 8, 2021

Ask any trucker who has been on the road for any amount of time why they do what they do, and many will tell you they like being on the open road without an office routine to follow or an assembly line to face.

Even truckers new to the over the road life may confess to a love of trucks or a family connection to the industry.

Screen Shot 2020 07 22 At 1 26 34 PmHowever, talk to either group — young or old — long enough and you’ll find one aspect of trucking that draws their attention: the money. Without a college degree and with just a modest amount of training, a man or woman can step out of a minimum wage job and into one that pays between $40,000 and $50,000 a year to start, generally has benefits and may even have a retirement plan.

But, learning which jobs pay how much and finding a reputable company that is actively recruiting drivers can require making a lot of phone calls, asking a lot of questions, and answering blind ads unlikely to include an answer.

Now there’s a better way to find a job that comes with the pay level you seek. It’s the new Salary Calculator that is part of the Careers In Gear trucking jobs website. 

Simply put, the Salary Calculator quickly helps you see what you can earn based on where and what type of trucking job you seek. It eliminates dead-end searches, something you can ill-afford if you are serious about getting into the industry or making a career change in these wildly uncertain COVID-19 days.

Using the Salary Calculator is dead simple:

  1. Enter the geographic location you wish to search.
  2. Enter your name, phone number and email address to get job alerts sent directly to you.
  3. Add details to your search such as the distance you wish to haul, what type of haul (van, flatbed, etc.), route, average miles per week you wish to drive, how much experience you have and what benefits you seek

The Salary Calculator then finds all the jobs that match your requirements. For each job, you get a detailed job description, information about benefits and perks, and information about the company. The calculator also delivers what the company requires of its drivers, and gives you a number to call.

And, you’ll not get a couple of jobs for a handful of companies you never heard of. Careers In Gear has thousands of specific jobs from more than 120 trucking companies that are hiring.

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