Hear how an online club is helping truckers find safe and secure parking

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Updated Mar 13, 2023
Row of big rigs in parking lot

In the latest survey of pressing truck industry issues, drivers told the American Transportation Research Institute their biggest concern was finding parking. That comes as no big surprise to truckers who often daily struggle to find a safe place to park, often sacrificing precious driving time to do so.

Evan Schelley is the CEO and co-founder of The Truck Parking Club, an online service that matches truckers in need of parking with places that have space on their properties where a truck can be parked. Now, these are not truck stops or rest areas, these may be a trucking company with space in their yard or a self-storage facility, or any other sort of business.

In this edition of The Truckers News Podcast, Schelley explains how the club came to be, how it works, and its plans for increasing the amount of truck parking available.