Contract Transport Services aids kids, families in need

Updated Dec 26, 2020
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Like so many things in 2020, Contract Transport Services’s said its annual holiday bike drive looked a little different this year. Nonetheless, the Green Bay, Wisconsin-based trucking company carried on its tradition of giving away free bicycles to local children in need.

Butch Faber (CTS) on the trailer with Jamie Chaudoir (representing PALS of Brown County)Butch Faber (CTS) on the trailer with Jamie Chaudoir (representing PALS of Brown County)

To make the bike drive possible, CTS truck drivers, mechanics, and office staff donated 52 brand new bicycles. As an incentive for employees to donate, CTS gave away a 30-gallon cooler filled with meat as a raffle prize.

Instead of hosting an event for families at its Green Bay headquarters, CTS distributed bicycles at the end of last week to representatives from two Foster care organizations: Foundation Health and PALS of Brown County. The organizations have found safe ways to make sure the deserving children receive their new bicycles.

“Our employees have made the holidays brighter for so many area children by providing new bikes to these kids, and I want to thank and recognize them for their selflessness. We know that 2020 has been hard on so many families, and that’s why it’s important that donations and fundraising continue during these challenging times,” said Curt Reitz, CTS President. “Having the ability to give back and spread joy is one of our year’s highlights.”

As it has in years past, the CTS team also continued its tradition of participating in the Adopt-A-Family program. The contributions by CTS and its employees have provided clothing, household items, and other necessities to five area families in need.

Curt Reitz (CTS president) in front Paul Hajny, in the very back is Jory Gennett, and Hiep Nguyen is standing on the trailer (these 3 are reps from foundations, the foster care organization), Rachel McCain (CTS) on far right.Curt Reitz (CTS president) in front Paul Hajny, in the very back is Jory Gennett, and Hiep Nguyen is standing on the trailer (these 3 are reps from foundations, the foster care organization), Rachel McCain (CTS) on far right.

CTS’s giving isn’t only a holiday event. The company has been making monetary donations to the Green Bay Police Department, Green Bay Fire Department and Military Officers Club of Northeast Wisconsin since 2016. This year the company contributed more than $18,000 to those three organizations, with funds raised by CTS’s fleet of wrapped CTS cabs and trailers that honor and depict branches of the military, police, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and farmers. For each loaded mile a wrapped CTS truck travels, CTS donates two cents to local charities representing the groups depicted on the cabs and trailers.

Contract Transport Services was established in 1985 and provides dedicated and Midwest regional transportation services to Midwest Fortune 500 companies. It has almost 140 drivers.

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