40-year veteran named Minnesota’s Driver of the Year

Updated Jan 30, 2017

The Minnesota Trucking Association named Michael Matheson, who drives for Manning Transfer, the 2016 Minnesota Driver of the Year recently.

A resident of New Brighton, Minnesota, Matheson has been driving for 40 years and has logged more than 4 million safe miles. In 2015, Manning Transfer honored him for 10-plus years of accident free driving.

Michael Matheson, Minnesota Driver of the YearMichael Matheson, Minnesota Driver of the Year

“I love that I’m able to travel to all parts of the lower 48 states and meet all kinds of people,” said Matheson, who said he alsoenjoys spending time with his family and working on his collection of John Deere tractors.

“This award is a great way to honor the best in our industry,” said John Hausladen, MTA president. “Driving safe is no easy task, especially when you take into consideration his daily driving conditions like congestion, driver distractions and Minnesota winters. Having more than four million safe driving miles is an accomplishment that few truck drivers are able to reach and we’re proud to award Michael for this outstanding achievement.”

“Mike has been a leader here at Manning when it comes to safety,” said Brian Merriam, Safety Director for Manning Transfer. “He has never had a violation on the roadside or been in an accident. Additionally, he is conscientious of the safety of the equipment he is driving and always reports any concerns with trailers. Furthermore, when he purchased a new truck in 2014, he paid a considerable amount more for additional safety features like disc brakes on all axels.”

Throughout 2016, exceptional drivers are nominated by their companies and one driver is chosen each month to be the Driver of the Month. The drivers are chosen based on having an outstanding driving and work record; contribution to industry and highway safety; and involvement in the community.

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