The convoy will go on … online that is.
The Make-A-Wish of Philadelphia, Delaware, and Susquehanna Valley organization and members of its Mother’s Day Convoy Committee have rescheduled and reinvented the annual fundraising event that was to have been Mother’s Day, May 10. The 2020 Virtual Convoy will be Sunday, Aug. 16.
A statement from the organization says there will be what it is calling “a modified, small truck convoy with the top 30 drivers and key sponsors,” broadcast live on its Facebook page.
For the past 30 years, the annual Mother’s Day Convoy was held in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This year was to be its first at a new location, the Manheim Auto Auction.
While there will not be carnival as at past convoys, Make-A-Wish says it will create supporters to still experience convoy traditions safely at home. It will be announcing these updates on a weekly basis each Sunday on the Mother’s Day Truck Convoy Facebook event page starting May 17th.
The organization says it is still counting on the truck event to raise funds, which typically support over 75% of the wishes granted in Susquehanna Valley each year. There are nearly 500 local children with critical illnesses waiting for their wishes to come true, according to the organization.
Last year’s convoy, which was sponsored by the RoadPro Family of Brands, raised $600,542 and attracted some 550 trucks.
The Mother’s Day Convoy is the latest trucking event to move online when the in-person one was canceled by the COPVID-19 coronavirus. The Mid-America Trucking Show moved its annual PKY Truck Beauty Contest online when the show was canceled. The American Truck Historical Society will hold its annual convention and truck show online as well.