The life of the over-the-road trucker can be a bit scary at times ... and we're not talking about looking for a parking space as the amount of driving time on your ELD creeps toward zero, the behavior of some four-wheelers, or driving through the Rockies in January.
Nope, what we're talking about is a bit more otherworldly. Ghosts. Strange visions. Specters. Spooky sideroads. Messages from beyond the grave. The sorts of things that haunt some highways and are scarier than driving through Atlanta at rush hour.
More than a few drivers had tales to tell a few years ago when we sought stories of haunted highways. We got those stories out of the Truckers News crypt and share them here again just in time for Halloween.
So, enjoy ... but you may want to leave the lights on when you do.
Bermuda Triangle on Loneliest Road?
Goldfield Hotel, Tiger Mtn., texting trauma
Evil on streets of New York City
Buddy ‘signals’ driver after his death
‘Heavy presence’ along Highway 191
3 spooky places, all in Georgia
Even an un-haunted highway can be ‘spooky’
Ghost of dead girl walks Alabama road
The Phantom Truck Driver of ‘The Dead Zone’
A ghostly warning to slow down a bit on Highway 666
Ever see a woman & child on US 395 … who disappear?
Driver sees ‘666’ wherever he looks
Have you seen something spooky or otherworldly while driving? Use the Comments section below to tell us about it.
And, just for a ghoulish good measure, here's a few spooky songs to listen to as you read how scary trucking can really be.